+34 667 84 02 54 info@openwash.es


Any of our machinery packages can be configured in both modes.


Cash or bank financing

This is the one-time payment method that we have been using since our inception.

A self-service laundry business with state-of-the-art equipment, domotic management, auto dosing and all the comforts of the sector for both the businessman and his customers.

All this with our advice to maximize the profitability of your business.

This modality is optimal for investors who have the necessary capital to carry out the operation or who have credit lines in the traditional banking system.

OPTION 2 – Easy

Direct leasing with our company

Easy Option is our new business modality, which only our brand offers you.

It has all the advantages of option 1 but with the added bonus of being able to pay for your laundry in easy monthly installments while you make it profitable without having to go through bank financing.

This allows you to acquire your laundry for a very reduced price compared to the rest of the brands in the market.

This option is ideal for investors who do not have enough initial capital to carry out the operation in a single payment or who do not wish to decapitalize themselves when setting up their business.

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