+34 667 84 02 54 info@openwash.es




State-of-the-art washing machines that combine the latest technology with the highest quality components and materials. They have the latest advances in WET CLEANING and water, energy and chemical saving systems.

Its ease of use and intuitive programming make it suitable for self-service laundries, since it allows customers to quickly and conveniently operate it.

As a novelty, it incorporates the new programmer Touch Plus Controlas well as new high and standard spin models, making it one of the most complete ranges on the market.



– 4.3″ touch screen.

– Programmer with 33 languages available.

– USB port for washer software update and many other applications.

– Touch Plus Control for the OPL version washing machine and the self-service version washing machine.

– RS-485 serial communication port for remote control/management.

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